Bluegrass Kennels, Miniature American Shepherds, Available Puppies
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We are super excited to announce a future mating with one of the male conformation stars of our breed. His name is ORION, technically known as the following:

BISS BISSOH SGCH CH A2Z Bluegrass Orion of Husker Heart DCAT CGC TKN BISS = Best In Specialty Show
BISSOH = Best In Specialty Show Owner Handler
SGCH = Silver Grand Champion
CH = Champion
He was ranked #27 in the All Breed standings for 2020 &2024
He was ranked #21st (2020) & #29th (2021) in the Breed Standings
In the Owner handler standings he is currently #12, last year he ended up #12 and in 2022 he was #30. Lifetime standing for owner handler points he is ranked #28 as of today (6/22/24). ORION is co-owned and beautifully handled by Connie Bleecker of Anoka, MN.


ORION will be coming to visit our lovely daughter of Durango. She is BLUEGRASS CHARM and charming and beautiful she is! She also has a friendly and affectionate attitude and her former puppies have been delightful. Two of CHARM'S sons have flown to Ireland to help begin a breeding program there. So keep in touch with us in the event you would like a new best and forever friend. 605-206-4519.


Also in September we expect a litter out of BLUEGRASS MUSIC and by AKC CHAMPION WOODRIDGE AND BLUEGRASS DURANGO CGC TKN. MUSIC and DURANGO are loving family dogs with sweet dispostions and are obedient friends. Their previous puppies have been both beautiful, correct, and affectonate. Please check here often to find birth announcements and photos for your enjoyment. Call and/or email with any questions you may have. 605-206-4519



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